Board Positions

July 1, 2023 there will be  Two (2) board positions available.

Application Process

The Idaho Horse Board Code requires that two applications be completed and submitted to the Idaho Horse Council for review:  Application for Appointment with Authorization for Background Check and the IHB Application (see below).

Qualifications required for an appointment are:  1)  Must be a citizen of the United States; 2) Bona fide resident of Idaho; and 3) Idaho Horse Council Member.

Individuals applying for an appointment must complete and submit to the Idaho Horse Council, Idaho State Forms:  1) Application for Appointment; and 2) Authorization for Background Check.

The completed forms must arrive in the Council office prior to May 1 which are then due in the Governor’s office by June 1.

A three member committee appointed by the Horse Council President will review each application to determine accurate completion.  The application committee may suggest the appropriate category or categories for the applicant based on their interest and experience. The Horse Council shall recommend at least (4) names or more for each vacant category.

The Governor shall appoint a member to the Idaho Horse Board for a vacant category from the list of nominees recommended from the Idaho Horse Council.

Application for Appointment

Horse Council IHB Application

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